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Here Are the 5 Most Popular AOV Heroes in the IGC 2020

There are five AOV heroes that a lot of players have used in the IGC 2020.

Games | 28 August


AOV is one of the four games competed in the IGC 2020.

Of the many heroes in the game, there are five of the most popular AOV heroes in the IGC 2020.

What are the most popular heroes among the players in the IGC 2020? Without further ado, let’s just get straight into it!

1. Richter

First off, we got Richter, the Warrior who can hold his ground in the Dark Slayer Lane. Up until now, Richter remains a hugely popular and generally desired hero in numerous major tournaments like IGC 2020.

Richter is a Warrior who can put pressure on his matchups and excels at ganking since he can charge on targets easily, while also inflicting an enormous amount of damage.

Most of the time, Richter will target the enemy’s Archer or Mage as he can get an instant kill easily against these two.

2. Omen

Aside from Richter, Omen is also one of the favorite Warrior Dark Slayer Laner heroes of the pro players in the IGC 2020.

Unlike Richter, who’s excellent at ganking and team fights, Omen is a Warrior who solely focuses on duels.

In addition to his quality in 1v1 situations, Omen also has the ability to take down towers quickly and can pull off a split push with ease.

Sometimes, Omen also becomes the perfect counter for certain heroes as he has an Ultimate that allows him to bind enemies and hinder their movements for a few seconds.

3. Lindis

Another popular hero is Lindis, an Archer Jungler who’s pretty nimble in Arena of Valor.

To this day, Lindis is still one of the best choices for a Jungler to play in the competitive scene as she can provide visions for her allies.

With her visions, Lindis and her allies can anticipate any ganks easily.

Aside from being able to provide visions, Lindis can also inflict an insane amount of damage on her targets and chase down low-health enemies effortlessly with her Passive, which will increase her movement speed every time she passes through the brush.

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4. Kriknak

Another popular Jungler throughout the IGC 2020 is Kriknak, the insect who can set the perfect ambush on his enemies.

Kriknak is a Jungler Assassin who counters well against every Archer in Arena of Valor because he can just pounce on them and kill them instantly.

5. Illumia

Last but not least, we got the Mage who just received some buffs in the last update, Illumia. 

Illumia is a Mage with exceptional poke abilities, who can inflict huge damage.

Illumia brings trouble when it comes to team fights because aside from her damage contribution, she can provide crowd controls that hinder her targets’ movements.

Well, those were the five most popular AOV heroes in the IGC 2020. So, what do you guys think about these heroes? Are you interested in maining some of them?

For those who don’t want to miss out on the excitement of the Indonesia Games Championship 2020, make sure to visit and tune in on Dunia Games’ YouTube channel, Facebook account, and MAXstream.

Stick around for more info about the gaming world, and don’t forget to follow Dunia Games on Facebook and Instagram to keep you updated on the latest exciting news and articles.

Read Also >> IGC 2020 Grand Final Officially Begins, Featuring the Best Teams in Indonesia!

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