Lee Sin to be Released as the Next Champion in Wild Rift
During the Apple launch event, Riot Games revealed Lee Sin as the next Champion to be released in Wild Rift.
News | 14 October
By Syahdan
At the iPhone 12 launch event, Michael Chow, the Executive Producer of Riot Games gave a presentation of Wild Rift gameplay on Apple’s latest release. Michael Chow gave a complete overview of the Wild Rift’s performance on the iPhone 12 with its A14 Bionic chipset. However, in the presentation, Riot also gave an early look at the newest Champion who will be coming to Wild Rift, Lee Sin.
Lee Sin is well-known as one of the Champions with the most complex mechanics in League of Legends. However, he’s also the most satisfying hero to play once you have mastered his skills. Lee Sin’s popularity in League of Legends has never faded since his release. Perhaps that’s the main reason why Riot Games has chosen him as the next addition in the mobile version.
League of Legends: Wild Rift is a mobile version of the PC game, League of Legends, by Riot Games. Currently, Wild Rift is still in the closed beta phase and can be enjoyed by some gamers, especially most Android users and a small portion of iOS users in Indonesia.
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