Playing Layla in Ranked Mobile Legends, Kaesang: “Why No One Talk Trash To Me?”
No one talks trash to him when using Layla in ranked Mobile Legends, Kaesang is confused. Weird right?
News | 09 September
By Syahdan
Weird occurrence happens to Kaesang while he is playing Mobile Legends. He planned to make content by using Layla in Ranked Mobile Legends and expects people insulting him. But sadly, Kaesang ends up in confusion after none of his teammates insults him when he is using Layla.
He is obviously dumbfounded because usually in the Epic tier most players will insult anyone playing as Layla in ranked. “What happens? Is something wrong with Mobile Legends? Where's all the kids? Is it because I’m recording at three AM?” Kaesang said while in pick and ban phase
While he’s still wondering, one of his teammates that’s using Karina adds more to his confusion after they ask him to report the enemy’s Alucard. From the information that he gets, that Alucard is suspected of using maphack -- a type of cheat that enables the player to see the enemy in the minimap.
With the team in chaos and not focussed, Kaesang lost the match. Funnily, Kaesang didn’t report the enemy Alucard, instead, he reports Karina. The 10th player of team Genflix Aerowolf surely is different. What do you think?
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LINE@: @duniagames
APPS: Duniagames
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