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5 Recommended Mi-a Skins to Accompany You to Explore Tower of Fantasy

Do you want to make Mi-a look prettier? Check out some of the skin choices for Mi-a the adorable assistant robot!

Games | 12 February


Tower of Fantasy players, or commonly known as Wanderers, must be familiar with Mi-a, a tiny robot that often accompanies players to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy. Mi-a's adorable design and innocent nature like a child make Mi-a a character that players like. Mi-a herself has several Mi-a Skins that you can choose as you wish. Here are some Mi-a Skins and how to get them!

Recommended Mi-a Skins

1. Dressy Mi-a

Dressy Mi-a dresses the little robot in a beautiful red dress and a bow in her hair. This skin can be obtained by players without doing certain missions or events, and is immediately available in every player's backpack.

Dressy Mi-a's skin looks cute and makes this Tower of Fantasy character even cuter!

2. Maid Mi-a

Just like Dressy Mi-a, Maid Mi-a will be directly obtained by players without completing certain missions or events. Because Mi-a is indeed a cook or chef, this Mi-a skin is perfect for Mi-a, huh!

Maid Mi-a's skin makes this Tower of Fantasy character look humble and modest. Because it reflects the characteristics of a maid who is diligent and neat.

3. Explorer Mi-a

Explorer Mi-a skin can be obtained by Wanderers who have reached 100% exploration in all three Dark Zones in Vera Desert. Adventurer skin for an adventurer! Does Wanderer already have this Mi-a Skin?

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4. Garuda Mi-a

The Garuda Mi-a skin is a skin that was once a trending among Tower of Fantasy players. Mi-a's elegant skin, inspired by the Garuda bird, embodies beautiful values and definitions such as peace, love, confidence, loyalty and kindness.

An Indonesian skin named Garuda Mi-a is here as a form of appreciation for the support that the Tower of Fantasy Indonesia community has provided throughout 2022. This skin can be obtained for free in the game from 22 December 2022 - 12 January 2023.

Country Manager Level Infinite Indonesia, Elvarica Noviyanti said, "We are very grateful for the warm support that has always been given by Wanderers in Indonesia since our launch in August 2022 until now. We hope that Garuda Mi-a can become a new year's gift that is loved by Wanderers, and look forward to other exciting surprises from Tower of Fantasy in 2023!

The Garuda Mi-a skin is designed in such a way that it is divided into five parts that have their own meaning. The Crown of the One resembles Garuda's beak which symbolizes peace, the Collar of Equity which symbolizes love and radiates a warm aura to those around him. The Robe of Colloquy inspired by Garuda's wings and symbolizes goodness. The Girdle of Unity is made from Garuda feather which symbolizes confidence. Finally, the Gauntlet of Justice is inspired by Garuda's nails and symbolizes loyalty.

This Mi-a skin is obtained from various in-game events and events outside the game, and can be claimed with a redeem code. Have you claimed the Garuda Mi-a Skin?

5. Bunny Mi-a

The final choice of skin for Mi-a is Bunny Mi-a which was just released. This skin is a reward for players who participate in the New Year Garden Party event which is available from 12 January to 2 February 2023. This cute Bunny Mi-a skin is perfect for you to play the open-world RPG game Tower of Fantasy in 2019. 

Those were the five recommended Mi-a skins. Maybe you don't have all the skins above because of some missed events. Therefore, check the Tower of Fantasy in-game event diligently so you don't miss the free rewards, Wanderer!

To download Tower of Fantasy, visit the official Tower of Fantasy website at, or check out the other official Tower of Fantasy channels:

That’s the list of 5 recommended Mi-a Skins. Are there any other Mi-a skins that you know but haven't written about in this article? You can share them in the comments section.

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Source: Level Infinite

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