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Tips for Getting Durahan in Monster Rancher 2 DX

There are some tips for getting Durahan in Monster Rancher 2 DX! Curious? Here's the full review.

Games | 02 February


Duration is one of the most powerful monsters to get. Durahan is a monster that has a design like a soldier so it looks really cool for you to have. As a monster that is quite rare, getting it certainly requires considerable effort!

There are a number of tips for getting Durahan in Monster Rancher 2 DX that you can do. For those who are confused, the author will tell you in full about tips for getting Durahan in Monster Rancher 2 DX. Curious? This is the full review guys!

1. Find an Old Sheath First!

The first thing you have to do is look for Old Sheath through expeditions. You can get this rare item through the Parepare Forest expedition. To be able to go on an expedition, there are a few conditions that you must fulfill, including the following:

  • Monsters must have Rank C or above
  • Monsters have 50+ Fame
  • Monsters have 140+ Life
  • Have previously completed the first Kawrea Expedition

If you meet these requirements, Kavaro will appear in the first week of October to invite you to the Parepare Forest. You must be at the ranch to receive this invitation where you are not allowed to errantry and must rest your monsters in the fourth week of September. If your monster is injured during an errantry, you will also lose this exploration opportunity.

2. Expedition Route to Get to the Old Sheath

To be able to get the Old Sheath, when the expedition is carried out, you must find a white building. To get there, there is a route that you must pay attention to. The author has a guide to finding the correct route as follows:

  • Advance to the first T-junction (X:0, Y:2)
  • Go right and stop at the tree stump on your left (X:7, Y:2)
  • Have your monster destroy the tree (alternatively, you can circle it)
  • Once the path is open, go ahead as far as you can (X:7, Y:11)
  • Turn left and follow the road until you reach the first intersection (X:3, Y:8)
  • Continue forward two spaces (X:3, Y:5)
  • Turn right and go down until the road opens on your right (X:-1, Y:5)
  • Turn right and the pumpkin will be in front of you (X:-1, Y:9)
  • Have your monsters destroy the pumpkins and proceed to the building

After finding the building, start exploring until you get to the Old Sheath. It took several tries to do it. If you have found it, you must return to where you started your exploration.

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What must be considered in this exploration is if your stamina when the expedition reaches -10, then the expedition will fail because of the knockout monster. If you get a Mask and stamina reaches -10, then you will get the item. In addition, if a monster is knocked out, its lifespan will be short and die quickly.

3. How to get Durahan

Once you have the Old Sheath, all you need to do is go to the Shop and Aunt Verde will tell you about someone who stole some swords from the Parepare area. The next step is to bring your monsters to Rank A. If you have a Rank A monster in the first week of February after obtaining the Old Sheath and talking to Aunt Verde, you will be invited to a special invite tournament held in the fourth week of February.

To enter this tournament, you must be at the ranch to accept this invitation and take part in the tournament. In this tournament, you will face Durahan and will receive a Double-Edge Sword item.

After getting the Double Edge Sword, try to go to the city and go to the Lab. Combine any two monsters using Old Sheath as secret seasoning. In this way. the combined result of the monsters must be Durahan! Congratulations, you've got it.

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This article was written by Robani, Twitter: @DadMetals

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