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The Best Wild Rift Blitzcrank Build Guide, a Champion With a Deadly Grab!

Here’s the best Blitzcrank build guide in Wild Rift, snatch your enemies and finish them off!

Games | 05 November


Blitzcrank is one of the most popular Champions at the moment, especially for those who play Support. He can be the initiator in team fights by pulling a target with his Rocket Grab (1). Not only that, but Blitzcrank also has a lot of CC abilities in his skill set that can frustrate the opposing team. Now, to get a better grasp of this Champion in Wild Rift, here’s the build guide that you can apply to your game.

1. Item Build

[Protector's Vow]

The first item you want to get for Blitzcrank is the Protector's Vow. Since Blitzcrank is a Support Champion, he’s going to need a supporting item to protect the Carry in critical situations. 

By using the Protector's Vow, a nearby ally and Blitzcrank will receive 125 Shield and 20% bonus movement speed for 1.5s if hit by an attack from an enemy, monster, or turret. This item also offers an additional 40 armor, 10% cooldown reduction, and 350 HP.

[Mercury Treads]

For his boots, you may want to get the Mercury Treads for Blitzcrank. This item offers additional magic resistance as well as a reduced Crowd Control duration of 30%, which helps a lot when you’re being targeted by the opposing team. 

With shorter CC duration, you can lend your hand to your teammates faster.

[Zeke's Convergence]

Next, you can get Zeke's Convergence. This item, more or less, works the same way as the Protector's Vow, it also gives buffs for your allies. As for its unique effect, Zeke's Convergence allows Blitzcrank to slow the nearby enemies down by 20% after casting his Ultimate.

Zeke's Convergence also grants your highest AD ally 30% bonus magic damage for their basic attacks as well as burn effect.

[Abyssal Mask]

For his fourth item, you can get the Abyssal Mask. This item makes Blitzcrank immune to magic damage attacks with the 40 magic resist it offers. And, it also gives him a 10% cooldown reduction, 300 HP, and 300 Mana.

As for its Passive, Abyssal Mask restores Mana equal to 15% of damage taken. On top of that, it also restores HP equal to 20% of Mana spent.


To give Blitzcrank an edge over the enemy Marksman, you can pick Thornmail for his next item. Thornmail grants 75 armor and 200 HP. 

And that’s not all. With its Passive, Thornmail also inflicts Grievous Wounds (reduces regen) on the Champions who attack him with Basic Attacks. Making it a perfect item to counter Marksman or Assassins like Master Yi. 

[Warmog's Armor]

Next, you may want to get the Warmog's Armor for Blitzcrank. The Warmog’s Armor will greatly help Blitzcrank in the late game when the enemy Carry already has high Attack Damage. The 650 bonus HP it offers will also provide him with sustain in team fights.

As for its effect, the Warmog's Armor regenerates 5% of his max health per second once he has at least 2,500 max HP and if he hasn’t taken damage for the last 6s.

[Upgrade Mercury Treads: Locket Enchant]

For his boots upgrade, you can pick the Locket Enchant. Its effect shields Blitzcrank and nearby allies from 140-420 damage (based on level) for 2.5s with 60s cooldown.

2. Rune


For his Keystone, you can pick Aftershock. This Rune will give Blitzcrank bonus armor and magic resistance after casting a CC effect on enemies. After the bonus armor and magic resist run out, Aftershock will generate an explosion that inflicts 12-110 magic damage (based on level) on nearby enemies.


For his second rune, you may want to get Weakness. Why this rune? Because Blitzcrank has a lot of CCs, both Slow and Stun. For that very reason, the Passive Weakness offers, which gives additional damage to stunned or slowed enemies, will complement him very well.


For the next Rune, you can go with Conditioning. This Rune grants him 8 bonus armor and magic resist after 5 minutes of game time. Although it sounds not that significant, it’s really useful when the game progresses to the mid-game phase!

[Pack Hunter]

Last but not least, you should grab Pack Hunter. This Rune grants him an additional 2% bonus Movement Speed when near allies. It also gives him and each ally involved in a Champion takedown a bonus of 50 gold.

3. Spells


Ignite greatly benefits Blitzcrank in duels. You can use Ignite when the enemy HP is critically low, as it will burn your target with 60-410 true damage (based on level) for 5s -- finishing off your target when they try to escape the team fight.


Flash is a Spell for the people. Almost every Champion uses this Spell to chase down enemies or escape from them. However, this cooldown for Spell is quite long, 150s.

4. Combo

Actually, Blitzcrank has a really basic combo. Since he’s a Beginner’s Champion, anyone can pull off this combo even if it’s their first time playing Blitzcrank. So, here’s the combo:

Overdrive (2) (Optional) -> Rocket Grab (1) -> Power Fist (2) -> Static Field (Ultimate)

5. Gameplay

  1. If your target is already close enough to you, don’t use his Rocket Grab (1), it’d be better for you to close the distance using his Overdrive (2), and then use Power Fist (3). If they try to escape, you can pull them again with his Rocket Grab (1);
  2. Make great use of the Brushes to snatch your targets. You can use Oracle (red ward) to see whether there’s an enemy’s ward;
  3. Never use Static Field (Ultimate) to secure a Kill. Use it only to corner your target, and let your ADC to secure the Kill.

So, that was the best build guide for Blitzcrank in Wild Rift by Dunia Games. Stick around for more gaming info, and make sure to follow Dunia Games on Facebook and Instagram to keep you updated on the latest exciting news and articles.

Read Also >> The Best Wild Rift Zed Build Guide, Take The Enemy Carry Down with Lethal Shadows!

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