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April Fools! Here are 6 Anime Characters Who Love to Lie the Most!

Which anime characters are famous for their lies? Here are the anime characters who love to lie the most!

Anime & Manga | 01 April


April Fool's Day which falls on April 1 is a day for lying and tricking people, on that day one should not be angry if someone lied to others in the context of joking. In an anime or manga, the act of lying may be undignified, but it can often drastically change the course of the plot. Several anime characters have used their ability to lie to gain a huge advantage in the story.

Although some anime characters are very talented in the art of deception, there are also many anime characters who try to try their luck at lying but fail in the end. Which anime characters are famous for their lies? Here are the anime characters who love to lie the most!

1. Usopp - One Piece

Born on April 1 or April Fool's Day, Usopp is a famous anime character known for always telling lies. The name is taken from the word Uso which means lie in Japanese, and his nose is also long like Pinocchio who likes to lie.

Since the beginning of Usopp’s appearance in One Piece, his dishonesty almost took the lives of the residents of Syrup Village, because the evil Captain Kuro had planned to attack the village. Although Usopp liked to lie, many of his lies became true later on. Could it be Usopp's hidden power?

2. Zetsu - Naruto Shippuden

The next anime character is Zetsu who is good at lying. Zetsu presents himself as a member of Akatsuki, assigned to reconnaissance missions. Even after Akatsuki disbanded, he still served as a trusted agent of Madara Uchiha.

However, this would be devastating for Madara Uchiha, as it was revealed that Zetsu's true loyalty was only to his "mother," namely Kaguya Otsutsuki. Furthermore, he forced the power of Infinite Tsukuyomi from Madara, which would ultimately only serve Zetsu's goals alone, not Madara Uchiha as his partner. Zetsu's manipulative prowess in lying allows him to effectively backstab Madara Uchiha the Ghost of Uchiha.

3. Fuhrer King Bradley - Fullmetal Alchemist

Politicians are figures, some of whom are good at lying, the best anime character who is a politician is Fuhrer King Bradley. As the ruler of Amestris, King Bradley was not only able to deceive the alchemists of the entire state around him, including the Elric brothers. He also succeeded in deceiving all the people and nations he led into complying with most of his evil plans.

In fact there have been several people who have tried to reveal Bradley's evil intentions since the Fullmetal Alchemist storyline began. But the protagonists often realize too late that the people they've defeated were actually in the right, and try to bring down Bradley.

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4. Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bebop

The woman in the anime who loves to lie is Faye Valentine. She is one of Spike Spiegel's partners as a bounty hunter. Unlike the rest of the Bebop crew, Faye is always unreliable, steals Spike's money and rarely keeps her promises.

While her deception may be understandable to the protagonists of Cowboy Bebop, Faye's lying ability can also work in their favor. Faye serves as an extraordinarily great spy. She can infiltrate their target's base and collect the weaknesses of his enemies. Faye's charisma is her greatest asset in committing fraud.

5. Light Yagami - Death Note

Who says the main character of an anime is not good at lying? The anime protagonist who loves to lie is named Light Yagami who has the pseudonym Kira. He is probably the most experienced liar in anime history. He was able to join the police task force trying to bring Kira to justice early in the story, despite the fact that the head of the investigative task force, L, already knew his true identity.

Even after L died, the suspicions placed on Kira were gradually dispelled due to the calculated maneuvers Kira made to "prove" his innocence. In the end, Kira's or Light's lies are exposed because he is too confident.

6. Aizen - Bleach

The final character on this list is Aizen from the popular series called Bleach. Intelligent and strong, Lord Aizen was once the captain of the Shinigami in Soul Society. His ability to lie and deceive was unpredictable by others until he finally defected to the Espada Las Noches.

Even though Aizen will eventually reveal his lies, it doesn't happen before his powers develop rapidly, and after that Aizen is ready to carry out the next phase of his planned plan.

Those are the 6 anime characters who like to lie the most even though it's not on April Fool's Day. Do you think there is an anime character who likes to lie the most even though it's not April Fool's Day again that hasn't been discussed here? You can share them in the comment section.

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Also Read >>> Here’s an Interesting Fact about Usopp in Wano According to One Piece Vivre Card Databook!

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